Indoors //
At its heart, bowls is an uncomplicated and accessible sport that can easily be played amongst friends and families creating personal challenge and stirring competitive juices.
Indoor bowls is nationally governed by EIBA and the Academy is supported by Bowls Dorset
Below shows the location and websites for the indoor bowls clubs in Dorset which have an established Junior or Youth section. If you need any help, Contact Us directly and we will help you get started.
52 Waterloo Rd, Poole, BH17 7LG
34 Juniors attend regularly on a Saturday morning with several older juniors playing on a Wednesday evening as they are involved with County/National competitions on the weekend.
A Successful Indoor Season whereby the U30 team, which included Academy players, reached the National finals and the U18 Team lost out by 1 shot to qualify. Nathan Wood and Millie Tuck had U18 International Trials and Millie was selected as a travelling reserve for this event next October .
Saturday mornings at 9.30am at The Dolphin Indoor Bowls Club. September to April. All equipment provided.
Contact The Dolphin IBC on 01202 675551 or Penny at for further information.
The Marsh Sports Ground
Knightsdale Road
Club Manager - Chris Smart - 01305759106
Junior Club Coaches
Nick Worsley - 07905919236
Helen Monelle - 07588834734
Saturdays 09.45 - 11.45 Currently 12 Juniors in 2 separate groups.
Our Junior Club started in 2001 and, by popular demand, our Minnows (younger) Group started in 2021.
The Minnows are our starter group where they experience the fun to be had from delivering jacks and bowls. When they feel ready, they join our....
Junior Club players where they learn the rules and techniques of individual and team games of indoor bowls. In both groups, we allow them (not us) to set the pace at which they develop.
Some of our juniors have gone on to play at Club, County, Regional, National and International level.