Branksome Park welcomed the Academy team with a sudden downpour of rain which threatened the match if it had continued for very long but sun soon broke through enabling the match to take place. As usual this, now annual, fixture was played in a great spirit with both teams enjoying each others company but still playing to win.
Branksome Park held a slender lead through 5 and 10 ends of 5 shots but extended this to 9 shots by the 12 end and things looked desperate for the youngsters as the match was only 15 ends. The youngsters were spurred on with vocal support from their coaches, families, friends and Bobbie Cover (Bowls Dorset Ladies President). The youngsters reacted brilliantly and outscored their opponents over the closing ends to gain a draw 54-54. It was very close to being an Academy victory but Ruby with the last bowl of the match secured 2 shots to save the day for Branksome.
For the Academy the rink of Marc, Hannah and Martha along with the rink of Zach, Silvia and Tom had outstanding wins by 18-6 and 22-9 respectively.
After the match an enjoyable social time was had by all with drinks and food provided. A huge thanks to Branksome Park especially Sue and Bob Harris for their continued support of the DYBA.